How to run .py files (python scripts) on Google Colab


We all know how to run jupyter notebook(.ipynb) files on Google colab. Python script files can also be run on Google colab by a very simple trick. This is a very useful trick, as it enables you to make use of the GPU/TPU provided by Colab to run your .py file.

First, you have to create a new notebook or open an existing one.

Then, click on this icon(shown in red arrow) to upload files.

Upload your .py files.

Insert a code cell in the notebook and write a line in this format :


Execute the cell. You will see output as usual.

You can also view and edit an uploaded python file by double-clicking the filename in files section.



Rafat Ashraf Joy
Rafat Ashraf Joy

Written by Rafat Ashraf Joy

Computer Science PhD Student at University of Illinois Chicago

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